J Korean Acad Rehabil Med Search


Journal of the Korean Academy of Rehabilitation Medicine 1991;15(4):522-526.
Therapeutic effects of self-administrating portable TENS for posttherapeutic neuralgia.
Kang, Sae Yoon , Ko, Young Jin , Suh, Jung , Choi, Sung Woo
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Departmet of Dermatology, Catholic University Medical College
대상포진후신경통에 대한 자가(自家) TENS 치료 효과
강세윤, 고영진, 서정, 최성우*
가톨릭 의과대학 재활의학교실 및 피부과학교실*

Postherpetic neuralgia may be severe, continous and hard to control. During the past years, many challenges have made to ameliorate it. Although there was no encouriging evidences that treatment with antiviral agents, corticosteroids, local and regional anesthesia were effective, recent studies with respect to antidepressants, neuroleptics, anticonvulsants and TENS have shown some considerable effects. In this study, We randomly divided twenty-two patients suffering from postherpetic neuralgia into two groups. Thirteen patients were treated by infrared, 6 times per week for 4 weeks, as a control. Visual analogue scale was used as a tool for pain evaluation, which was checked weekly during 1 month and the difference from before-treated and after-treated mean score was compared by paired t-test at each week. Visual analogue score in TENS-applied group had statiically significant decrement of score from the 2nd week in portable TENS treated group, but there is no significant decrement in the control group. Hospital-visiting days in TENS treated group were 5.5 days and the other were 23.8 days. We concluded that self-administrated portable TENS has beneficial effect on postherpetic neuralgia patients. Not only one's pain but also hospital-visiting days were decreased and there was no adverse effect.

Key Words: Postherpetic neuralgia, Portable TENS


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