The incidence of spinal cord injury is still on the rise due to ever-increasing number of traffic and industrial accidents as well as sports injuries. Spinal cord injury not only damages motor and sensory function below the injury level but also affects autonomic functions associated with voiding and defecation. Sexual dysfunction and psychosocial and vocational maladaptations are also some of the unwanted consequences of the injury. The purpose of this study is to uncover the present adaptive or maladaptive status of Korean spinal cord injured patients, and propose the importance of comprehensive rehabilitation and the need for more systematic and active support from the society. Some of the results were as follows; 1) The most common age group of the spinal cord injury was the twenties(47.4%), and the male to female ratio was 4:1. 2) Traffic accidents and falls were two most common causes of the injury with 36.8% each, and paraplegics and complete injuries were twice as common as quadriplegics and incomplete injuries respectively. 3) Many of the patients(78.9%) did not receive regular follow up examinations after discharge, and the most common reason not coming to hospital was mobilization difficulty including transportation. 4) Seven of the 18 unmarried(prior to the injury) patients were married after discharge and seven of the 20 married patients were either divorced or seperated. 5) Among male spinal cord injured patients, erection was possible in 53.4% and 20.0% experienced ejeculation. Vaginal intercourse was possible in only 10%, and 56.6% wanted penile prosthesis. 6) 60.5% of the patients made home modifications to facilitate the activities of daily living or mobility, and 94.6% used wheelchairs as the main modes of mobility. 7) 47.3% were christians and 39.5% had no religion before injury, however, after discharge the number of christians increased to 71.1% compared to 7.9% no religion. 8) 60.6% were on medicaid and 34.1% had medical insurance. 9) Only 18.4%(all of which were paraplegics) received vocational training and 71.4% of the trainees had jobs, however, 93.5% of the untrained were unemployed and 42.0% of them were living on government or family support. |