The clinical effect of facet joint injections for Facet syndrome. |
Kim, Han Sik , Lee, So Young , Yu, Keun Sik , Kim, Dae Ho , Lee, Yang Gyun |
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine and Department of Radiology Soon Chun Hyang University College of Medicine |
후관절(Facer) 관절강내 주사요법의 임상적 효과에 대한 고찰 |
김한식, 이동영, 유근식, 김대호, 이양균 |
순천향대학교 의과대학 재활의학교실 및 방사선 교실 |
Abstract |
The facet syndrome is a clinical disease entity of low back pain caused by abnormalities of the facet joint. This study was performed to evaluate the clinical effect of facet joint injections in patients who were suspicious of facet syndrome. Eleven patients with hip and buttock pain, low back stiffness, local paralumbar tenderness, pain on extension, and absence of neurologic deficits, suggestive syptomes and signs of facet syndrome, had performed 44 facet joint injections in a prospective study. Facet joint arthrogrames were performed prior to intraarticular injections of local anesthetic and cortisone. Pain relief on intraarticular injections was used to comfirm the diagnosis and guide to utilize the therapeutics. The effect of facet joint injections was evaluated by the pain improvement ratio and classified as excellent in 45%, good in 45%, no pain relief in 9% at 2weeds, and 9%, 55%, 36% at 6months, respectively. The diagnosis of facet syndrome was possible in 10cases(90%) of excellent and good pain relief in 2 weeks and intraarticular injection was useful for therapeutics in 7 cases(64%) in 6 months. From this study, this procedure is recommended for diagnosis and conservative therapy for suspicious of facet syndrome. |
Key Words:
Low back pain, Facet joint injection, Improvement ratio, Diagnosis, Therapy |