J Korean Acad Rehabil Med Search


Journal of the Korean Academy of Rehabilitation Medicine 1993;17(2):251-258.
The studies of anemia in chronic spinal cord injured patients.
Noh, Jean Yee , Chi, Tae Jung , Park, Young Ok
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine , Korea Veterans Hospital
만성 척수 손상 환자에서 병발되는 빈혈의 임상적 고찰
노진이, 지태정, 박영옥
한국보훈병원 재활의학과

For study of the prevalence and characteristics of anemia in chronic spinal cord injury, 254 patients were investigated in a retrospective way. Also, to evaluate the relationship of erythropoietin synthesis and hemodynamic changes to anemia, we randomly selected 32 cases of 254, and analyzed the erythropoietin level and the ferrokinetics. The patients were devided into four groups:80 cases in group 1(cervical spinal cord injury), 42 cases in group 2(1st-6th thoracic spinal cord injury), 88 cases in group 3(7th-12th thoracic spinal cord injury), and 44 cases in group 4(lumbar spinal cord injury).

The results were as follows:

1) The prevalence rates of anemia and hypoprotinemia in chronic spinal cord injured patients were high(56.3% and 42%) retrospectively. And its related complications as bed sore, lower urinary tract infection, and renal disease were frequent.

2) As the factors that were related to the prevalence of anemia, hypoalbuminemia was strongly associated with anemia, but other factors(age, duration after injury, and level of injury) showed no correlation.

3) Among the complications, bed sore and renal disease were highly correlated with the prevalence of anemia, but lower urinary tract infection was not.

4) The level of serum erythropoietin in spinal cord injured patients was decreased to lower normal range, and these results were proportioned to the level of injury, i.e. when the level is higher, serum erythropoietin is lower.

5) The anemia in chronic spinal cord injury is thought to be a consequence of chronic disease as its significant decrement in serum transferrin and lower normal range of serum ferritin.

From the above results, it is concluded that the treatment of anemia in chronic spinal cord injured patients should include correction of hypoalbuminemia, nutritional support and management of its secondary complication.

Key Words: Chronic spinal cord injury, Anemia, Complication, Erythropoietin


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