J Korean Acad Rehabil Med Search


Journal of the Korean Academy of Rehabilitation Medicine 1993;17(3):290-296.
Hair lead contents in cerebral palsied children.
Kim, Chong Young , Kim, Hee Sang , Ahn, Kyung Hoi , Choi, Jung Myung , Yu, Dong Jun
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine and Preventive Medicine Kyung Hee University College of Medicine
뇌성마비아와 대조군간 모발 중금속 함량에 관한 비교연구 -납과의 비교연구-
김종영, 김희상, 안경회, 최중명*, 유동준*
경희대학교 의과대학 재활의학교실 및 예방의학교실*

The ralationship between lead levels in hair and cerebral palsy was investigated. The seventy subjects with cerebral palsy a rehabilitation center which was located in the Kyunggi Province in Korea: 32 children with parents and 38 children without parents. The thirty one control subjects, with parents, were drown from these who had got average or above average academic achievement in a regular elementary school. Atomic Absorption Electrophotometer, Model Z-6100, was used for the analysis of lead.

The mean value of lead in the hair of cerebral palsied children was 4.40⁑2.23 ppm, which was not significantly higher than that of the control group, 3.95⁑1.56 ppm. Also, there was no relationship between the lead contents and sex. The mean value of lead in the hair of children without parents was 5.33⁑2.36 ppm. This was significantly higher than that of children with parents, 3.61⁑1.53 ppm. Also, children in the cerebral palised group without parents had significantly higher lead contents than did the children with parents.

The findings of this study suggest that there were more opportunities for exposure to lead in cerebral palsied children without parents. Therefore, the causal relationship between lead levels and cerebral palsy should be established through examinations of their living environment, dietary pattern, and eating habits.

Key Words: Lead, Hair, Cerebral palsy


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