J Korean Acad Rehabil Med Search


Journal of the Korean Academy of Rehabilitation Medicine 1993;17(3):444-450.
Factors influencing compliance to home rehabilitation.
Kim, You Chul , Chun, Pyung Shik , Choi, Son Mi , Kim, Yun Hee
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Presbyterian Medical Center, Chonju Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Chonbuk University College of Medicine
퇴원후 가정 재활교육실천에 영향을 주는 요인
김유철, 전평식, 최선미, 김연희
전주예수병원 재활의학과 및 전북대학교 의과대학 재활의학교실

Even after discharge from hospital, continued rehabilitation management is extremely important for maintaining optimal functional level of the patients and thus achieving better medical efficiency in disability management. Home visiting program for patients discharged from the rehabilitation medicine department of hospital in that respect is very helpful in reeducating the rehabilitation techniques which have been taguht but not been practiced satisfactorily and localizing the area which need medical help and/or social intervention.

From March 1984 to July 1992, rehabilitation home visiting team consisting of a doctor, a nurse, a physical or occupational therapist and a social worker has visited patients who were discharged from the hospital with considerable disability but were lacking in adequate family support and were considered not likely to revisit hospital for out patient clinic follow up. Among many informations gathered, the factors which influenced the actual practice of the rehabilitation techniques that have been taught during the hospital stay were examined. It was found that good family support and high economic status were two factors that good family support and high economic status were two factors that resulted in better compliance to home rehabilitation

Key Words: Home visiting program, Home rehabilitation, Compliance
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