J Korean Acad Rehabil Med Search


Journal of the Korean Academy of Rehabilitation Medicine 1993;17(4):620-631.
Acoustic characteristics of dysarthria in congenital bilateral perisylvian syndrome.
Kim, Yun Hee , Kim, Hyun Gi , Kim, Hyoung Ihl
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, French Language and Literature* and Neurosurgery**, Chonbuk National University
선천성 양측성 실비우스구 증후군에 동반된 조음장애의 음향 음성학적 특성
김연희, 김현기*, 김형일**
전북대학교 의과대학 재활의학교실, 신경외과학교실**, 인문과학대학 불어불문과*

Congenital bilateral perisylvian syndrome(CBPS) is a recently described entity diagnosed on the bases of neuroimaging and speech abnormality. All patients have severe orofacial paresis, moderate to severe dysarthria and bilateral and bilateral perisylvian dysplasia. Dysarthria is a striking clinical manifestation of this syndrome and the recognition of specific pattern of dysarthria has the diagnostic significance of this unique syndrome.

We evaluated the acoustic characteristics of dysarthria in 4 CBPS patients who were diagnosed by magnetic resonance imaging(MRI) scanning using digital computerized spectrograph, Visi-Pitch and Nasometer.

In the spectrographic analysis, loss of specific characteristics of formants of vowels and increment of noise in the high frequency regions were observed. The voice onset time(VOT) was prolonged in the bilabial and alveolar stop consonants. Total duration of meaningless words containing two syllables were increased as well. In the Visi-Pitch analysis, mono-pitch and mono-loudness were characterized and diadochokinetic rate was decreased. Nasalance was increased and the slope of nasalance was flat in CBPS patients in comparison with normal subjects.

These findings are reflection of the impairment of facial motor area in the primary motor cortex, which results in altered movement of tongue, lips and velopharynx. The recognition and objective evaluation of the acoustic characteristics of dysarthria in the these patients can give a clue for the diagnosis of this syndrome.

Key Words: Congenital bilateral perisylvian syndrome, Dysarthria, Sound spectrography


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