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Journal of the Korean Academy of Rehabilitation Medicine 1997;21(2):406-413.
Infant Neurological International Battery(INFANIB) as a Predictor of Neuromotor Outcome in Risk Infants.
Sung, In Young , Kang, Woog
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Asan Medical Center, University of Ulsan, College of Medicine, Korea.
신경 발달 장애아의 조기 진단 도구로서의 Infant Neurologica International Battery(INFANIB) 검사법에 관한 연구
성인영, 강욱
울산의대 서울중앙병원 재활의학과

Recent advances in the technology of neonatal intensive care have greatly improved the survival rate of high-risk infants who would otherwise have died. However, the surviving infants still have higher risks of long-term neuro-developmental disabilities such as cerebral palsy.

As a result, early intervention programs are advocated for the detection and remediation of neuromotor abnormalities in risk infants. A number of assessment scales and screening tools have been developed for the evaluation of infant neuromotor functions in western countries. Infant Neurological International Battery(INFANIB) was established by Ellison and Browning in 1985. INFANIB consists of assessment of posture, extremity and axial tone, primitive reflexes and postural reactions. This is relatively simple and easier for examiner and less burdensome to examinee. So we have used INFANIB as assessment tool for the detection of neurodevelopmental abnormal infants since 1993 and studied correlation between INFANIB results and neuromotor outcome for 2 years in 70 risk infants.

All the infants of the abnormal results group (29 cases) on the initial INFANIB examination grew into either cerebral palsy (26 cases) or minor neural dysfunction group (3 cases) on the follow-up examinations. All the infants of the normal results group (12 cases) appeared to be in normal developmental outcomes on the follow up. However, the transient results group (29 cases) showed variable outcomes, which were 9 cases of cerebral palsy, 6 cases of minor neural dysfunctions, and 11 cases of normal development.

INFANIB test results of the infants were highly sensitive and specific with the follow up examinations. Normal INFANIB results can be used to reassure parents of risk infants and an early intervention programs can be started to abnormal INFANIB infants. It can be used as a reliable screening tool for suspicious neurologically deviant neonates and infants. However the transient groups showed diverse neuromotor outcomes, they should be carefully monitored during infancy and childhood.

Key Words: Infant Neurological International Battery(INFANIB), Cerebral palsy, Assessment, Neuromotor outcome
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