J Korean Acad Rehabil Med Search


Journal of the Korean Academy of Rehabilitation Medicine 1997;21(3):533-539.
A Clinical Review of the Burn Amputee Patients.
Hwang, Jeong Hye , Kang, Tae Do , Jang, Ki Eon
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Hallym University College of Medicine, Korea.
화상후 절단환자에 대한 임상적 고찰
황정혜, 강태도, 장기언
한림대학교 의과대학 재활의학교실

Burn patients with associated limb amputations present demanding rehabilitation problems, many of which might lead them to chronic issues. The authors studied 77 male and 9 female burn patients with amputations. Most amputations occurred with high voltage electrical burns. The fingers were the most frequent target for amputations. The most frequent site of amputation was the entrance at the right side and multiple amputation in nature.

The prosthetic fittings were delayed because of burn wounds and grafts and fragile skin at the stump. Also, limited range of motion, decreased strength, hypertrophic scar contracture, heterotopic ossification and bony overgrowth were additional limiting factors.

We conclude that early rehabilitation intervention would be critical to prevent complications and to improve rehabilitation outcome of burn amputee patients.

Key Words: Burn, Amputation, Prosthesis


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