J Korean Acad Rehabil Med Search


Journal of the Korean Academy of Rehabilitation Medicine 1998;22(1):142-147.
Medial Femoral Cutaneous Nerve(MFCN) and Posterior Femoral Cutaneous Nerve(PFCN) Conduction Study in Korean.
Park, Jun Myoung , Jang, Ki Eon , Lee, Hui Sook , Kim, Hye Kyeong , Jeong, Kwang Ik , Park, Dong Sik
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Hallym University Colleges of Medicine.
한국인의 내측 및 후측 대퇴피신경 전도검사
박준명, 장기언, 이희숙, 김혜경, 정광익, 박동식
한림대학교 의과대학 재활의학교실

Medial femoral cutaneous nerve(MFCN), a sensory branch of the femoral nerve, supplies the skin over the anteromedial aspect of the thigh and knee. Posterior femoral cutaneous nerve(PFCN), comprised of fibers originating from the anterior and posterior divisions of the first three sacral segments, supplies the skin over the posterior aspect of the thigh.

Forty nerves of twenty healthy adults, ages from 20 to 58, were tested. The onset and peak latencies of MFCN were 2.3⁑0.2 ms and 2.9⁑0.2 ms respectively. The baseline to peak amplitude was 6.5⁑2.3 ㄍV. The onset and peak latencies of PFCN were 2.4⁑0.2 ms and 2.9⁑0.2 ms respectively. The baseline to peak amplitude was 7.1⁑1.7 ㄍV.

Key Words: Medial femoral cutaneous nerve, Posterior femoral cutaneous nerve


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