J Korean Acad Rehabil Med Search


Journal of the Korean Academy of Rehabilitation Medicine 1998;22(6):1173-1178.
Comparison of Tendon Reflex Responses between Two Heads of Gastrocnemius in Spastic Hemiplegia and Healthy Subjects.
Kim, Hyun Dong , Park, In Sun , Song, Yang Joo
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Inje University College of Medicine.
정상인과 경직성 편마비 환자에서 내외측 비복근의 건반사 반응 전위 비교
김현동, 박인선, 송양주
인제대학교 부산 백병원 재활의학과

To determine the differences of the tendon reflex responses (TRR) between medial and lateral heads of gastrocnemius muscles in healthy subject and spastic patients.

The TRR of medial and lateral heads were evaluated in 20 healthy subjects and 20 spastic hemiplegic patients. From 5 repeated trials on each subject, the shortest latency and duration, and the largest peak-to-peak amplitude of TRR were chosen for the representative value.

1. The evoked potentials by tendon reflex in medial head of gastrocnemius demonstrated significantly higher amplitude than in the lateral head of gastrocnemius in patients (P<0.05) and the evoked potentials in lateral head of gastrocnemius demonstrated significantly higher amplitude than in the medial head of gastrocnemius in healthy patients (P<0.05). 2. Mean latency of the evoked potentials by a tendon reflex in both heads of gastrocnemius in the spastic patients and healthy subjects were not significantly different (P>0.05). 3. Mean duration of the evoked potentials by a tendon reflex in both heads of gastrocnemius in spastic patients and healthy subjects were not significantly different (P>0.05).

These results indicate that the medial head of gastrocnemius is activated more than the lateral head of gastrocnemius by a tendon reflex in recording evoked potentials of the spastic patients.

Key Words: Spasticity, Medial and lateral heads of gastrocnemius, Evoked potential, Tendon reflex
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