Hand Rehabilitation of a Patient with Replantation of Forearm after Complete Amputation: A case report. |
Kim, Chul , Yi, Chang Heon , Baek, Rong Min |
1Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Inje University College of Medicine. 2Department of Plastic Surgery, Inje University College of Medicine. |
전완부 완전 절단후 접합술을 받은 환자의 수부 재활치료 증례 보고 |
김철, 이창헌, 백롱민1 |
인제대학교 의과대학 재활의학교실, 1성형외과학교실 |
Abstract |
Hand rehabilitation is essential to restore the maximal functional capacity of a patient after the injuries of hand or upper extremity, such as a fracture, tendon tear, crushing, or amputation. To achieve the purpose, hand rehabilitation should begin shortly after the completion of surgery. Especially after the replantation, functional recovery can be achieved by a careful inpatient evaluation providing a proper treatment, detecting problems, and updating treatment programs, and arranging discharge and follow-up cares by a hand rehabilitation team. We report our experience of a successful hand rehabilitation of patient with a replantation surgery after the complete right forearm amputation. A comprehensive approach and systematized treatment programs are important for a hand rehabilitation. |
Key Words:
Hand rehabilitation, Forearm amputation, Replantation |