J Korean Acad Rehabil Med Search


Journal of the Korean Academy of Rehabilitation Medicine 2001;25(2):236-240.
The Effects of Viscosity on Oropharyngeal Phase .
Han, Tai Ryoon , Shin, Hyung Ik , Park, Jin Woo , Park, Il Chan
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Seoul National University College of Medicine.
정상 성인에서의 식이 점도 변화에 따른 구강 인두기의 변화
한태륜, 신형익, 박진우, 박일찬
서울대학교 의과대학 재활의학교실

The videofluoroscopic swallowing study (VFSS) has been accepted for standard method of dysphagia evaluations. But there is no research for oropharyngeal effects depending on the change of viscosity.

The 10 normal subjects without dysphagia symptom or history were participated. 4 test foods were selected according to viscosity which was measured by line spread test (LST); thick semiblended diet: LST 1 cm, Yoplait: LST 2.44 cm, tomato juice: LST 3.67 cm, 35% diluted barium: LST 4.15 cm. Each foods were swallowed 3 times during VFSS. We measured oral transit time (OTT), pharyngeal delay time (PDT), pharyngeal transit time (PTT), and cricopharyngeal opening time (CPOT)

There was linear correlation between OTT and LST (cm)(r=⁣0.965, P<0.05). As the score of LST increased, PDT tended to increase linearly, but there was no statistical significance (r=0.949, P=0.509). PTT and CPOT had no significant correlation with viscosity.

The viscosity affected OTT and PDT. The test foods of VFSS and dysphagia diet shoud be selected by viscosity measures.

Key Words: Videofluoroscopic swallowing study, Viscosity, Oral transit time, Pharyngeal transit time


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