Traumatic Cauda Equina Syndrome Due to Spinal Stenosis in an Achondroplastic Patient: A Case Report. |
Lee, Sool Ryon , Cho, Seong Chan , Ha, Sang Bae |
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Asan Medical Center, University of Ulsan College of Medicine. |
연골 무형성증 환자에서 척추강 협착증에 의한 외상성 마미증후군 증례 보고 |
이술련, 조성찬, 하상배 |
울산대학교 의과대학 서울중앙병원 재활의학과 |
Abstract |
Achondroplasia is a congenital developmental condition characterized pathologically by defective enchondral ossification, affecting chiefly the long bones, and clinically by peculiar dwarfism with short extremities and normal trunk. One of the most common neurologic manifestation in achondroplastic patients in adulthood is spinal stenosis where the prominent characteristics of lumbar vertebrae structure are shortening of interpedicular distance and hypertrophy of vertebral pedicle. There has been no case report of traumatic cauda equina syndrome resulted in paraparesis among achondroplasic patients in Korea. We experienced a 30 year-old achondroplastic man sustained paraparesis as the result of an accidental slipping down. After the surgical decompression, the patient made slow recovery in all aspects of function via rehabilitation therapy. |
Key Words:
Achondroplasia, Cauda equina syndrome, Spinal stenosis |