J Korean Acad Rehabil Med Search


Journal of the Korean Academy of Rehabilitation Medicine 2001;25(4):707-713.
Clinical Features of Lower Extremity Amputees in Hwa Sung Goon: One Korean County.
Han, Tae Ryoon , Kim, Jin Ho , Chung, Sun Gun , Lim, Jae Young , Lim, Suk Jin , Choi, Joong Kyung
1Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Seoul National University College of Medicine.
2Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Hwa Sung Goon Health Center.
지역사회 하지 절단 장애인 실태 조사
한태륜, 김진호, 정선근, 임재영1, 임석진, 최중경
서울대학교 의과대학 재활의학교실, 1화성군 보건소

To evaluate the prevalence and prosthetic uses of lower extremity amputee in one Korean county.

We asked community health worker in Hwa Sung Goon to recruit lower extremity amputees. We contacted them by telephone and tried to know their prosthetic uses, adaptations and their behavior about prosthetic usage. Also, we recruited all lower extremity amputees in Hwa Sung Goon.

In Hwa Sung Goon, the prevalence of lower extremity amputees was 35 persons per 100,000. 93.8% of them had prostheses, more than half of them were not satisfied with their prosthetic use. For last 10 years, they changed into new prosthesis per 2.3 years.

In one Korean county, the prevalence of lower extremity amputees was 0.03%. Most of them used their prosthesis, and walked independently. Their compliances with rehabilitative intervention were very low.

Key Words: Lower extremity amputees, Prevalence, Prosthetic uses


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