J Korean Acad Rehabil Med Search


Journal of the Korean Academy of Rehabilitation Medicine 2003;27(5):778-781.
Comparison of Skin Temperature between Supine and Prone Position during Application of Hot Packs on the Back.
Kim, Joon Sung , Kwon, Jeong Yi , Ko, Young Jin , Kang, Sae Yoon , Whang, In Sik
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, College of Medicine, The Catholic University of Korea. pizzapmr@hanmail.net
요추부 핫팩 치료 시 앙와위와 복와위에서 피부온도 차이 비교
김준성, 권정이, 고영진, 강세윤, 황인식
가톨릭대학교 의과대학 재활의학교실
To compare the skin temperature change between supine and prone position during application of hot pack on the back.

15 healthy adults were recruited as subjects. We applied two hot packs to the lumbar region for two consecutive days. On the first day, the body part was on the top of hot pack and on the second day, the hot pack was placed over the body part. We measured peak skin temperature, skin temperature elevation, time required to peak skin temperature, skin temperature after 20 minutes and visual analogue scale(VAS) of subjective feeling of heat (hot).

In the peak skin temperature, the means were 44.4⁑0.70oC and 42.7⁑ 0.99oC in the supine and prone position, respectively. In the skin temperature elevation, the means were 11.2⁑1.1oC and 9.5⁑1.6oC, respectively. In the time required to peak skin temperature elevation, the means were 6'49"⁑15" and 10'33"⁑ 15", respectively. In the skin temperature after 20 minutes, the means were 42.4⁑ 0.7oC and 41.6⁑0.8oC, respectively. In the VAS of subjective feeling of heat (hot), the means were 8.66⁑1.11 and 5.72⁑1.48, respectively.

The patient's position is one of the important factors in determining temperature elevation. Therefore, it should be considered during application of the hot pack.

Key Words: Hot pack, Skin temperature, Position


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