Diagnosis and Clinical Features in Children Referred to Developmental Delay Clinic. |
Kim, Seong Woo , Shin, Jung Bin , Kim, Eun Hye , Lee, Seon Kyung , Jung, Hee Jung , Song, Dong Ho |
1Developmental Delay Clinic, National Health Insurance Corporatrion Ilsan Hospital, Korea. 2Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, National Health Insurance Corporatrion Ilsan Hospital, Korea. graceeun@dreamwiz.com 3Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Korea. |
발달 지연 클리닉을 방문한 환아의 진단과 임상양상 |
김성우, 신정빈1, 김은혜2, 이선경2, 정희정, 송동호 |
국민건강보험공단 일산병원 발달지연클리닉, 1재활의학과 및 2연세대학교 의과대학 재활의학교실 |
Abstract |
Objective To determine the phenomenologic, etiologic diagnosis and clinical features of children with developmental delay. Method One hundred seventy-one children, referred to Developmental Delay Clinic which was multidisciplinary clinic for the evaluation of a suspected developmental delay, were prospectively enrolled. Diagnostic yield was ascertained after the completion of the questionnaire, clinical assessments and laboratory investigations by the physiatrist, pediatric neurologist and pediatric psychiatrist. Results One hundred fifty-one children met study criteria. The common phenomenologic diagnoses of children with developmental delay were mental retardation, delayed language disorder, autism and cerebral palsy. The etiologicdiagnosis was determined in 44 (28.02%) children. The diagnoses were hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy, malformation of cortical development, dysmorphic syndrome, chromosomal abnormalities, and neuomuscular disorders in the order of frequency. In many cases, the chief complaint of parent was not in accordance with final diagnosis. Conclusion In the clinical assessment and management of children with developmental delay, the most important thing is integrative and comprehensive approach including all the developmental territories. And also, the settlement of paradigm for systematic evaluation of these children with other specialists will be needed. (J Korean Acad Rehab Med 2004; 28: 132-139) |
Key Words:
Diagnosis, Clinical features, Developmental disability, Developmental delay |