Effect of Passy-Muir Speaking Valve in Brain-injured Patients with Dysphagia: Two cases report. |
Im, Hyeong Lyong , Lee, So Young , Kang, Kyong Ju , Choi, In Sung , Kim, Jae Hyung , Lee, Sam Gyu , Park, Seung Jin |
1Department of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, Chonnam National University Medical School, Korea. sam91@jnu.ac.kr 2Department of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, Chonnam National University Hwasun Hospital, Korea. 3Department of Biomedical Engineering, Chonnam National University Hospital, Korea. |
뇌 손상 후 연하곤란 환자에서 Passy-Muir 발성판의 유용성증례 보고 |
임형룡, 이소영1, 강경주, 최인성, 김재형1, 이삼규, 박승진2 |
전남대학교 의과대학 재활의학교실, 1화순전남대학교병원 재활의학과, 2전남대학교병원 의공학과 |
Abstract |
It is well known that the brain-injured patients with tracheostomy is prone to frequent tracheopulmonary aspiration and dysphagia problems. We experienced two brain-injured patients with dysphagia, who revealed the improvement of clinical and videofluoroscopic parameters after application of Passy-Muir speaking valve (PMV 2000Ⱂ, Passy-Muir Inc., USA). Two brain-injured patients had kept on nasogastiric and tracheostomy tubes. After PMV application for 2weeks, the frequency of aspiration decreased, sleep hygiene and emotional lability improved, and also videofluoroscopic parameters such as pharyngeal delay time, pharyngeal transit time, and epiglottic closure were improved. Eventually, they could be free from tracheostomy tubes within 1 month after PMV application. (J Korean Acad Rehab Med 2005; 29: 225-230) |
Key Words:
Dysphagia, Videofluoroscopic swallowing study, Brain injury |