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Journal of the Korean Academy of Rehabilitation Medicine 2006;30(6):595-603.
Sensitive Balance Parameters in Detecting Age-related Changes of Balance Control in Elderly.
Park, Heedong , Hwang, Ji Hye , Lee, Peter KW , Woo, Young keun , Kim, Nam Gyun
1Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Seoul Medical Center, Korea.
2Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Samsung Medical Center & Center for Clinical Medicine, Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine, Korea. hwanglee@smc.samsung.co.kr
3Bioengineering Research Center for the Aged, Chonbuk National University, Korea.
노인에서 연령에 따른 균형 조절 능력을 반영하는 균형 검사 지표
박희동, 황지혜1, 이강우1, 우영근1, 김남균2
서울의료원 재활의학과, 1성균관대학교 의과대학 삼성서울병원 재활의학교실 및 임상의학연구소, 2전북대학교 생체정보공학부
To determine stability parameters in clinical balance tests and posturography that can assess age-related changes in posture control sensitively
Thirty nine healthy elderly people over 60 years old and twenty young controls were recruited. Elderly people were subdivided into 3 groups by age (aged 60∼69, 70∼79, over 80). Subjects were evaluated with clinical balance tests and posturography. In posturography, center of pressure (COP) parameters were obtained as total path distance, sway area, mean frequency of sway in comfortable standing. Visual feedback system (VFS) was added to posturography and then subjects were asked to move their COP into the target circle on monitor with active movement on force plate. In VFS, time to get in the circle, total path of deviation, time in the circle were measured.
Time in the circle assessed by posturography with VFS showed significant difference between age groups (p<0.05). Significant correlations between time in the circle and clinical balance tests were also found (p<0.01).
A posturography with VFS was considered to have clinical usefulness in sensitive evaluation of age-related change of balance control in healthy elderly people. (J Korean Acad Rehab Med 2006; 30: 595-603)
Key Words: Elderly, Postural balance, Feedback


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