J Korean Acad Rehabil Med Search


Journal of the Korean Academy of Rehabilitation Medicine 2007;31(2):188-195.
The Life of Persons with C4 Tetraplegia in the Community Residence.
Lee, Bum Suk , Kim, Myung Soo , Kim, Young Hoon , Lim, Mun Hee , Kim, Dong Min , Yu, Jeong A
1Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, National Rehabilitation Center, Korea. tretre1212@yahoo.co.kr
2Department of Rehabilitation Social Work, National Rehabilitation Center, Korea.
3Department of Rehabilitation Psychology, National Rehabilitation Center, Korea.
지역사회에 거주하는 경수 4번 척수장애인들의 삶
이범석, 김명수, 김영훈, 임문희, 김동민1, 유정아2
국립재활병원 재활의학과, 1사회사업실, 2재활심리실
To investigate the life of persons with C4 tetraplegia in the community residence.
This study was designed as a personal interview survey using the questionnaires for the general characteristics, Craig Handicap Assessment and Reporting Technique (CHART), Diener's satisfaction with life scale, and Rosenberg self esteem scale. The subjects were 15 persons with C4 tetraplegia.
Among 15 persons, six were married, three of them were married after the injury. Five persons reported being employed, thirteen persons used computers. The number of cases for remodeling their houses were 13. Twelve persons reported being 'glad to be alive'. Their Diener's satisfaction of life scale was 16.6 (slightly dissatisfied). Rosenberg self esteem scale was 23.3. The CHART showed the following scores: physical independence 46, mobility 56, occupation 30, social integration 89, and economic self sufficiency 68. Diener's satisfaction with life scale of the subjects were significantly correlated with that of their caregiver (p=0.006).
The life of the individual with C4 tetraplegia in the community was more active than expected, considering their substantial physical limitation. Therefore, appropriate post-discharge planning should be included in inpatient rehabilitation program for the C4 tetraplegics. (J Korean Acad Rehab Med 2007; 31: 188-195)
Key Words: Quality of life, C4 tetraplegia, Community
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