J Korean Acad Rehabil Med Search


Journal of the Korean Academy of Rehabilitation Medicine 2007;31(6):655-660.
The Effects of Arm Ergometry Exercise in Acute Stroke Patients.
Kang, Jin Young , Chun, Min Ho , Lee, Kang Goo , Park, Eun Jung , Lee, Hye Young , Jin, Young Soo , Lee, Yong Taek
1Department of Rehabilitation Medicine and Sports Center, Asan Medical Center, University of Ulsan College of Medicine, Korea. mhchun@amc.seoul.kr
2Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Kangbuk Samsung Hospital, Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine, Korea.
급성기 뇌졸중 환자에서 상지 에르고미터를 이용한 유산소 운동의 효과
강진영, 전민호, 이강구, 박은정, 이혜영1, 진영수1, 이용택2
울산대학교 의과대학 서울아산병원 재활의학교실, 1스포츠센터, 2성균관대학교 의과대학 강북삼성병원 재활의학교실
To evaluate the effect of arm ergometry exercise training on the cardiovascular system and sensorimotor function in the early stroke patients.
19 stroke patients without cardiac disease were randomly assigned to exercise training group (9 patients) and control group (10 patients). The time interval between the onset of stroke and exercise training was 20 days. The training group subjects were trained three times a week for 30 minuts by arm ergometry and conventional rehabilitation during 4 weeks. Exercise intensity was prescribed at 30% to 60% of heart rate reserve. Control group were trained only conventional rehabilitation. Exercise test with arm ergometry was performed before and after 4 weeks training period. To evaluate sensorimotor function, Fugl-Meyer score of upper extremities was measured before and after 4 weeks training period.
In training group, heart rate at rest decreased after 4 weeks training significantly. However, improvement of peak oxygen uptake was not significant. After 4 weeks, the difference of Fugl-Meyer score are correlate the difference of peak oxygen uptake.
Early aerobic exercise training in stroke patients may improve resting heart rate and sensorimotor function. (J Korean Acad Rehab Med 2007; 31: 655-660)
Key Words: Aerobic exercise, Stroke, Ergometry


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