Gait Analysis in Patients with Idiopathic Parkinson's Disease during Obstacle Crossing. |
Park, Yeon Joong , Lee, Seung Hwa , Bae, Jin Hyun , Cho, Eun Kyoung |
1Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Seoul Veterans Hospital, Korea. 2Department of Neurology, Seoul Veterans Hospital, Korea. |
특발성 파킨슨병 환자에서 장애물 횡단 시 보행 양상의 변화 |
박연중, 이승화, 배진현, 조은경1 |
서울보훈병원 재활의학과, 1신경과 |
Abstract |
Objective To compare gait parameters of patients with idiopathic Parkinson's disease (IPD) during obstacle crossing with those of healthy control subjects. Method Conventional physical examinations and three- dimensional gait analysis were performed on 16 patients of IPD with stage 2∼3 of the Hoehn and Yahr disease rating scale, and 11 healthy control subjects during stepping over the obstacle. Temporospatial, kinematic and kinetic parameters of patients were compared with those of the control group. Results In patients with IPD, walking velocity was slower and stride length were shorter than control group. Decreased post-obstacle distance of the lead limb and increased pre-swing time of the lead and trail limbs were noted in IPD patients compared to control group. Many significant modifications of kinematic and kinetic parameters were detected in IPD patients compared to control group during obstacle crossing. Conclusion Using three-dimensional gait analysis, we could identify specific modifications of gait parameters in IPD patients during obstacle crossing. These modifications may reduce or increase the risk of a falling in IPD patients. (J Korean Acad Rehab Med 2007; 31: 668-676) |
Key Words:
Gait analysis, Idiopathic Parkinson's disease, Obstacle crossing |