J Korean Acad Rehabil Med Search


Journal of the Korean Academy of Rehabilitation Medicine 2008;32(3):349-351.
Calf Muscle Shortening after Radiofrequency Muscle Reduction: A case report.
Yoon, Seung Hyun , Jeon, Bo Hyun
Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Ajou University School of Medicine, Korea. whitetea1@naver.com
종아리 근육퇴축술 시행 후 발생한 근육단축-증례 보고-
윤승현, 전보현
아주대학교 의과대학 재활의학교실
Thirty-year old female developed limited range of motion (ROM) of both ankles after radiofrequency muscle reduction procedure for one month prior to her visit. Dorsiflexion of both ankles was severely limited to zero degree. Plantar flexion of both ankles was limited to 20 degree on the right and 15 degree on the left. The electrodiagnostic study and MRI showed normal nerve conduction study and inflammatory change of both gastrocnemius and soleus muscles. She received ROM and stretching exercise for 1 hour per day and twice per week for 4 weeks as an outpatient with continuous home programming. After 2 weeks of treatment, ROM improved to 20 degree plantar flexion and to 20 degree dorsiflexion on the right ankle and to 20 degree plantar flexion to 10 degree dorsiflexion on the left ankle. This is a case of severe muscles contracture after radiofrequency procedure reversible after intensive strengthening exercise. (J Korean Acad Rehab Med 2008; 32: 349-351)
Key Words: Calf reduction, Radiofrequency


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