J Korean Acad Rehabil Med Search


Journal of the Korean Academy of Rehabilitation Medicine 2009;33(3):344-347.
Anatomical Relation of Ulnar Nerve and Flexor Carpi Ulnaris Muscle at the Wrist.
Choi, Chung Hwan , Jeong, Jeom Sun , Kim, Jeong Man , Lee, Ju Kang
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Gachon University of Medicine and Science, Korea. pm@gilhospital.com
손목 부위 척골신경과 자쪽손목굽힘근의 해부학적 관계
최충환, 정점순, 김정만, 이주강
가천의과학대학교 재활의학교실
To verify proper stimulation point of ulnar nerve at the wrist by investigating anatomical relation of ulnar nerve and flexor carpi ulnaris (FCU) muscle.
Cadaver dissection of 9 wrists was done to identify gross anatomical relation of ulnar nerve and FCU muscle. Ultrasonography of 17 healthy volunteers was done for the measurement of distance from lateral border of FCU muscle to ulnar nerve at three sites. Ratios of these distances to total width of FCU muscle and FCU tendon were calculated.
FCU muscle was composed of lateral tendinous and medial muscular portion, and all ulnar nerves were located under the tendinous portion of FCU muscle on cadaver dissection. Ultrasonographic distances from lateral border of FCU muscle to ulnar nerve were 4.6±3.3 mm, 4.8±4.0 mm and 5.9±3.1 mm from distal to proximal sites. The ratios to total width of FCU muscle were 31.02± 23.31%, 24.30±26.12% and 24.48±13.01%, which showed that the ulnar nerve was closer to the lateral border than the medial border. The ratios to total width of FCU tendon were 49.63±41.35%, 51.30±50.46% and 64.59±36.79%, which showed progressive increment from distal to proximal sites.
Proper stimulation point of ulnar nerve at the wrist is the lateral border of FCU muscle than the medial border. However, the proximity of ulnar nerve to the medial or lateral border was not conclusive, because the ratio to FCU tendon was not consistent in three sites of the wrist. Further electrophysiologic study is necessary for the comparison of proper stimulation point based on FCU tendon. (J Korean Acad Rehab Med 2009; 33: 344-347)
Key Words: Ulnar nerve, Flexor carpi ulnaris muscle, Ultrasonography, Anatomy, Wrist


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