J Korean Acad Rehabil Med Search


Journal of the Korean Academy of Rehabilitation Medicine 2009;33(4):436-440.
Standardization of Korean Version of Frenchay Aphasia Screening Test in Normal Adults.
Pyun, Sung Bom , Hwang, Yu Mi , Ha, Ji Wan , Yi, Hoyoung , Park, Kun Woo , Nam, Kichun
1Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Korea University Anam Hospital, Korea. rmpyun@korea.ac.kr
2Department of Neurology, Korea University Anam Hospital, Korea.
3Department of Psychology, Korea University College of Liberal Arts, Korea.
한국판 프렌차이 실어증선별검사의 개발을 위한 정상성인의 표준화 연구
편성범, 황유미, 하지완, 이호영, 박건우1, 남기춘2
고려대학교 안암병원 재활의학과, 신경과1, 고려대학교 문과대학 심리학과2
To develop Korean version of Frenchay Aphasia Screening Test (K-FAST) and to standardize K-FAST in normal adult population in Korea.
The 'river scene' of stimulus set in original version of FAST was adapted for K-FAST. English version of the test instructions and scoring methods were translated into Korean and reverse-translation was performed by English- Korean bilinguals. The test structures and language domains (comprehension, expression, reading, and writing) were unchanged and possible maximum score was 30 points. We standardized K-FAST in 240 normal adult populations (male 102, female 138) whose ages were above 44. Basic personal information was collected through an interview and we performed Edinburgh handedness inventory (EHI), K- MMSE and K-FAST. Subjects who had history of brain disease, cognitive communicative disorders, or K-MMSE scores less than 2 percentile of same age group were excluded. K-FAST scores were analyzed according to the age and education groups.
Mean EHI, K-MMSE, and K-FAST scores in total subjects were 9.4±1.2, 25.9±2.8, 25.4±3.3 points, respectively. Post-hoc analysis of K-FAST scores according to age groups classified into 3 age groups, 45∼64, 65∼74, and ≥74 years and education groups into 0, 1∼9, ≥10 years of total education. K-FAST scores decreased significantly as increase of age (r=−0.441, p=0.000) and decrease of total years of education (r=0.580, p=0.000).
Newly adapted K-FAST can be used for screening of aphasia in Korea and the standardized data according to age and education levels may provide useful reference values for interpretation of the results of K-FAST. (J Korean Acad Rehab Med 2009; 33: 436-440)
Key Words: Aphasia, Screening test, Stroke, Standardization


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