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A Qualitative Analysis of Factors Influencing the Intention of Selecting the Charged Nursing Care Facilities.
Park, Hyun Sik , Kim, Jong Moon , Kim, Se Won , Koh, Seong Eun , Lee, In Sik , Lee, Jong Min , Chung, Jin Sang
Ann Rehabil Med. 2009;33(5):547-551.
The Two Year's Follow Up Study of Symptomatic Hands without Electrodiagnostic Evidence of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.
Lee, Jong Min , Ryu, Gi Hyeong , Jeon, Jae Yong , Lee, Kyeong Woo , Choi, Jong Ho , Lim, Hyun Sul , Kwon, Yong Wook
Ann Rehabil Med. 2006;30(4):346-352.
Manipulation Performance and Satisfaction of the Computer Mouse Interface in the Cervical Spinal Cord Injury Patients.
Eom, Gwang Moon , Lee, Jong Min , Kim, Chul Seung , Kong, Se Jin , Lee, Bum Suk , Lee, Kyung Hee
Ann Rehabil Med. 2006;30(3):230-235.
Usefulness of Heart Rate Variability for Qualitative Evaluation of Diabetic Autonomic Neuropathy.
Kim, Jong Moon , Kim, Jong Hoon , Lee, Su Young , Lee, Jong Min , Kho, Sung Eun , Lee, In Sik , Kwon, Sun Duck , Shin, Hyun Joon , Park, Kwan Yong
Ann Rehabil Med. 2006;30(2):148-152.
Prevalence and Risk Factors of the Foot Pain in University Freshmen: One Year Follow-up Study.
Lee, Jong Min , Jeon, Jae Yong , Lim, Hyun Sul , Sim, Young Joo
Ann Rehabil Med. 2004;28(3):270-280.
Prevalence and Risk Factors of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in Diabetic Patients.
Kwon, Yong Wook , Lee, Jong Min , Jeon, Jae Yong , Kwon, Dae Young , Cheong, Hae Kwan , Yoo, Seok Dong
Ann Rehabil Med. 2002;26(6):745-751.
Inhibition of Hyper-reflexic Detrusor Contraction by Sacral Afferent Nerve Stimulation in Spinal Cord Injury.
Lee, Jong Min , Lee, Young Hee , Lee, Sang Shin , Jang, Sang Min , Song, Jae Man , Song, Ki Hak
Ann Rehabil Med. 2001;25(6):956-964.
Right Hydronephrosis Caused by Congenital Circumcaval Ureter in a Spinal Cord Injured Patient: A case report.
Park, Jeong Mee , Lee, Sang Shin , Chung, Hong Guen , Lee, Young Hee , Lee, Jong Min
Ann Rehabil Med. 2001;25(5):888-891.
Thoracic Kyphosis and Myofascial Pain Syndrome in Male Adolescents.
Lee, Jong Min , Choi, Jong Ho , Lim, Hynun Sul
Ann Rehabil Med. 2001;25(4):692-698.
The Role of Nitric Oxide in Neuropathic Changes Induced by the Autograft of Nucleus Pulposus to the Sciatic Nerve in Rats.
Han, Tai Ryoon , Lee, Jong Min , Choi, Jong Chul , Kim, Jung Ran
Ann Rehabil Med. 2001;25(4):653-665.
Correlation between P300 Latency and Cognitive Capacity Screening Examination in Patients with Brain Lesion.
Lee, Young Hee , Park, Jeong Mee , Lee, Jong Min , Kim, Sung Hoon , Kim, Ki Wan , Kang, Seok Jeong , Lee, Myung Yae , Jung, Hyun Sook
Ann Rehabil Med. 2000;24(5):836-841.
A Usefulness of Pudendal Nerve Block in the Dorsal Approach under EMG Monitoring: A case report.
Lee, Young Hee , Kim, Jin Weon , Lee, Jong Min , Kang, Seok Jeong , Shim, Jae Ho
Ann Rehabil Med. 2000;24(3):572-575.
Factors Influencing Activities of Daily Living in the Patients with Spinal Cord Injury.
Park, Chang Il , Lee, Young Hee , Park, Jeong Mee , Lee, Jong Min , Kim, Sung Hoon , Kim, Ki Wan , Kang, Suk Chung
Ann Rehabil Med. 2000;24(3):477-483.
The Neuropathy of the Electrical Burn.
Kim, Min Wook , Kim, Jae Hyung , Lee, Jong Min , Paik, Nam Jong , Kang, Min Joung , Kim, Byung Sik
Ann Rehabil Med. 1999;23(4):786-791.
Estimation of Motor Unit Number According to Severity of Peripheral Nerve Injury in Rat.
Shim, Jae Ho , Lee, Ho , Lee, Jong Min , Chung, Hong Guen , Lee, Young Hee
Ann Rehabil Med. 1999;23(2):195-201.


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