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Journal of the Korean Academy of Rehabilitation Medicine 1996;20(3):20.
Cognitive Evoked Potential in Normal Children
Dae Heon Song, M.D., Sae Yoon Kang, M.D., Yoon Tae Kim, M.D. , Soon Yong Kwon, M.D.
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Catholic University Medical College
정상 소아의 인지유발전위
송대헌, 강세윤, 김윤태, 권순용
가톨릭대학교 의과대학 재활의학교실

Cognitive evoked potentials or Event-related potentials(ERPs) reflects a variety of cognitive functions. ERPs includes a late positive wave P300 or P3, and earlier waves N100, P200, and N200. To evaluate the cognitive function of normal children, through this study we found normal values and age-related correlations of auditory event-related potentials (ERPs) using the conventional 'oddball' paradigm in 60 normal children of 6 and 15 years of age.

The results were as follows.

1) The average latencies of N100, P200, N200, and P300 was 127.40±31.01, 196.02±31.93, 251.61±321.91, 343.84±34.79 msec. The average amplitudes of P300 was 12.06±5.17μV.

2) ERPs(N100, P200, N200, P300) latencies and P300 amplitudes at Fz, Cz, and Pz had no significant difference between male and female children, and they also had no significant difference among sites of recording.

3) There were significant negative correlations between ERPs latencies and age during childhood(P<0.001)

4) The amplitude of P300 had no significant correlation with age

In conclusion, we should consider changes in latencies according to age when we determined latencies of cognitive evoked potentials in children.

Key Words: ERPs, P300, Cognitive evoked potential, event-related potentials, ERPs, P300, P3, Children


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